Name, Title of Consul
Hon. Martin P. Pospisil, Honorary Consul of the Czech Republic
1530 Fourth Street
New Orleans, Louisiana 70130
Email neworleans@honorary.mzv.cz
Telephone (504) 722-7490
Office Hours By Appointment
Year Consulate Opened in Louisiana 2019
National Holiday October 28 – Independence Day 1918
Language Czech
Currency Korun
Geographic Jurisdiction of Consulate Louisiana, Mississippi and Alabama
Websites of Interest
Embassy of the Czech Republic in D.C.
Czech Republic Tourism
Country or Consulate’s Facebook
Czech Embassy DC
CZ Consulate NOLA
Country or Consulate’s Twitter
His Excellency Hynek Kmoníček, the Ambassador of the Czech Republic to the United States, visited New Orleans from April 25, 2019 to April 29, 2019. This was his second longer stay in New Orleans in relatively short period of time as he also joined the tricentennial celebrations in New Orleans in May of 2018.