Name, Title of Consul
Hon. Roland M. Vandenweghe, Jr., Honorary Consul of Belgium
701 Poydras Street, Suite 4500 New Orleans, Louisiana 70139
Email roland.vandenweghe@arlaw.com
Telephone (504) 585-0151
Facsimile (504)566-0210
Office Hours 8:00am – 6:00pm
Year Consulate Opened in Louisiana 1970′s
National Holiday July 21
Language Flemish & French
Currency Euro
Geographic Jurisdiction of Consulate Louisiana & Arkansas
Websites of Interest
Embassy and Consulates of Belgium in the United States
Visit Belgium
Country or Consulate’s Facebook
Belgium on Facebook
Country or Consulate’s Twitter
Belgian Adophe Sax invented the saxophone in the early 1840s.
In April 2018, the Ambassador of Belgium, H.E. Dirk Wouters, visited New Orleans in connection with the dedication of a giant saxophone gifted to New Orleans by the city of Namur, Belgium on the occasion of the Tri-Centennial of the founding of New Orleans: