Name, Title of Consul
Hon. Rodolphe Sambou, Consul General of the French Republic 

909 Poydras Street, Suite 1450
New Orleans, LA 70112


Telephone (504) 569 2870

Office Hours

Year Consulate Opened In Louisiana

National Holiday July 14

Language French

Currency Euro

Geographic Jurisdiction of Consulate Louisiana

Websites of Interest
Embassy of France in Washington, D.C.
Consulate General of France in New Orleans

Country or Consulate’s Facebook
Consulate General of France

Country or Consulate’s Twitter
Consulate General of France in Louisiana on Twitter

Mr. Jean-Baptiste Lemoyne, Minister of State attached to the Minister for Europe and Foreign Affairs, represented the French Government during the celebrations for the Tricentennial of the founding of New Orleans on April 21-23, 2018.